Architecture & Design's most downloaded resources for 2015
See our list of the most downloaded ‘Resources’ from the Architecture & Design website in 2015.RELATED 2015
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The following is a list of the most downloaded ‘Resources’ from the Architecture & Design website in 2015.
Click through for more information and to download the free whitepapers.
Alternatively, visit our Resources section for the latest technical information on the full spectrum of building materials, products, standards and methods of construction relevant to Australian designers and specifiers.
1. How to Source the Best Acoustic Panelling in Architecture
The perception still exists that acoustics are a luxury consideration for new buildings. As such their importance can often be overlooked. However the benefits of quality acoustics cannot be underestimated.
This white paper looks at the benefits of acoustics, the drawbacks of ignoring their role, and tips for sourcing the best acoustic solutions to compliment any specific purpose.
2. The Impact of Climate Change on the Way We Build
With costs of recent floods and bushfires in Australia amounting to billions of dollars, the building and design industry are under pressure from building and home owners to create homes using materials that are capable of withstanding Australia’s changing climate, whilst remaining energy and cost efficient.
This whitepaper discusses the impact of natural disasters in Australia, how they are affecting the building and design industry, and available building and material alternatives to guarantee the greatest performance and sustainability.
3. The Trend Towards Concealed Cisterns in Bathroom Design
The trend towards multi-residential developments presents new challenges to architects and designers, with an increased focus on maximising space throughout the dwelling. One area of particular focus is the bathroom, where making the most of every square inch is crucial.
This paper examines the changing residential landscape in Australia and how the specification of concealed cisterns is helping to maximise space, while also providing modern design, hygiene and maintenance benefits.
4. A Guide to Seismic Design in Commercial Building Products
Seismic design is in increasing demand in both Australia and New Zealand. As such, architects industry-wide should be aware of the statutory requirement of incorporating effective seismic design into projects that require it, as well as knowing the option available to them.
This white paper examines factors that will impact the structural integrity of a building after ground motion, how to correctly assess seismic risk, and technological advancements that are changing the way we look at seismic design.
5. Sourcing a Truly Sustainable Cladding
Sourcing sustainable timber products has come to the forefront of consumer demands. Not just environmentally sustainable but economically as well.
Composite cladding has become a popular choice in satisfying these demands.
This white paper discusses the importance of both material and economic sustainability and how the two, when married efficiently can result in an environmentally-friendly solution that is sure to pave the way for the industry’s future.
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