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79 projects shortlisted for 2016 National Architecture Awards

79 projects shortlisted for 2016 National Architecture Awards

A destination winery, a grassroots-inspired regional art gallery and a converted fire station are among the 79 projects shortlisted for the 2016 Australian Institute of Architects’ National Architecture Awards.
Nathan Johnson
Nathan Johnson

22 Sep 2016 7m read View Author

2016 Tasmanian Architecture Awards winners
2016 Victorian Architecture Awards winners
2016 Queensland Architecture Awards winners
2016 Northern Territory Architecture Awards winners
2016 South Australian Architecture Awards winners
2016 Western Australian Architecture Awards winners
2016 New South Wales Architecture Awards

A destination winery, a grassroots-inspired regional art gallery and a converted fire station are among the 79 projects shortlisted for the 2016 Australian Institute of Architects’ National Architecture Awards.

The program received more than 890 entries across 14 categories this year, reinforcing Australia’s international reputation for innovative architecture. The 2016 jury comprising of Jon Clements (Chair), Rodney Eggleston, Abbie Galvin, Stuart Vokes and Fenella Kernebone, shortlisted 79 projects out of 209 entries deemed eligible following the extensive Chapter Award program held earlier in the year.

Describing the projects as ‘exceptional and inspiring’, Immediate Past President and 2016 national Jury Chair Jon Clements observed that the prestigious awards provide an unparalleled opportunity to showcase the extraordinary talent of Australian architects.

According to Clements, the evolution of the profession, coupled with the creativity and commitment of architects continues to raise the bar in design and leading practice. A number of projects were identified that delivered admirable outcomes from limited means, and highlighted the enduring value of architecture as well as the clear and demonstrable public benefit dividend.

One of the highlights of the National Architecture Awards is the People’s Choice Award that launches on World Architecture Day, Monday 3 October. Members of the public will once again have the opportunity to vote for their favourite residential project with the winner to be selected on the basis of the popular vote. All winners will be announced at an evening ceremony hosted by Fenella Kernebone on Thursday 3 November at the Ivy Ballroom, Sydney.

The 2016 National Architecture Awards Shortlist:


Northern Beaches Christian School (NSW) by WMK Architecture381_15323.jpg
Photography by Brett Boardman

Project Zero (QLD) by BVNSustainable_ProjectZero_BVN_ChristopherFrederickJones-1.jpg
Photography by Christopher Frederick Jones

Tonsley Main Assembly Building and Pods (SA) by Woods Bagot and Tridente ArchitectsSustainable_TonsleyMainAssemblyBuidling_WoodsBagot-TridenteArchitects_Photo-SamNoonan-1.jpg
Photography by Sam Noonan

University of Queensland Oral Health Centre (QLD) by Cox Rayner Architects with Hames Sharley and Conrad Gargett RiddelSustainable_UQ_CFJ-1.jpg
Photography by Christopher Frederick Jones

Western Business Accelerator and Centre for Excellence (BACE) (VIC) by Six Degrees ArchitectsSustainable_WesternBusinessAccelerator-Centre_SixDegreesArchitects_Photo-AliceHutchison-1.jpg
Photography by Alice Hutchison


5 Martin Place (NSW) by JPW & TKD architects in collaborationCommercial_5MartinPlace_JPW-TKDArchitects_Photo-BrettBoardman-1.jpg
Photography by Brett Boardman

AHL Headquarters - 478 George Street (NSW) by Candalepas AssociatesCommercial_AhlHeadquarters_CandalepasAssociates_Photo-BrettBoardman-1.jpg
Photography by Brett Boardman

Alex Hotel (WA) by Spaceagency ArchitectsCommercial_AlexHotel_SpaceagencyArchitects_Photo-AnsonSmart-1.jpg
Photography by Anson Smart

Ben Chifley Building (ACT) by Francis-Jones Morehen ThorpCommercial_BenChifleyBuilding_Francis-jonesmorehenthorp_Photo-AndrewChung-1.jpg
Photography by Andrew Chung

Cape York Partnership Offices (QLD) by Kevin O'Brien ArchitectsCommercial_CapeYorkOffices_KevinObrienArchitects_Photo-TobyScott-1-1.jpg
Photography by Toby Scott

Devil's Corner (TAS) by Cumulus StudioCommercial_DevilsCorner_CumulusStudio_Photo-TanjaMilbourne-1.jpg
Photography by Tanja Milbourne

Emporium Melbourne (VIC) by The Buchan Group with WonderwallCommercial_EmporiumMelbourne_TheBuchanGroup-Wonderwall_Photo-AaronPocock-1.jpg
Photography by Aaron Pocock

Ormuz Specialist Eye Clinic (QLD) by Loucas Zahos ArchitectsCommercial_OrmuzSpecialistEyeClinic_LoucasZahosArchitects_Photo-ChristopherFrederickJones-1.jpg
Photography by Christopher Frederick

South Australia Drill Core Reference Library (SA) by Thomson RossiCommercial_SouthAustraliaDrillCore_ThomsonRossi_Photo-DavidSievers-1.jpg
Photography by David Sievers


Geelong Grammar School, School of Performing Arts & Creative Education (VIC) by Peter Elliott Architecture + Urban DesignEducational_GeelongGrammarSchool_PeterElliottArchitecture-UrbanDesign_Photo-JohnGollings-1.jpg
Photography by John Gollings

Learning Innovation Building at the University of Queensland (QLD) by Richard Kirk ArchitectEducational_LearningInnovationBuildingUQ_RichardKirkArchitect_Photo-PeterBennetts-1.jpg
Photography by Peter Bennetts

Ngoolark Student Services, ECU Joondalup (WA) by JCY Architects & Urban DesignersEducational_NgoolarkStudentServices_JCYArchitects-UrbanDesigners_Photo-PeterBennetts-1.jpg
Photography by Peter Bennetts

St Columba's Catholic Primary School (NSW) by Neeson Murcutt ArchitectsEducational_StColumbasCatholicPS_NeesonMurcuttArchitects_Photo-BrettBoardman-1.jpg
Photography by Brett Boardman

The Mandeville Centre, Loreto Toorak (VIC) by ArchitectusEducational_TheMandevilleCentre_Architectus_Photo-IanDavidson-1.jpg
Photography by Ian Davidson

University of Queensland Oral Health Centre (QLD) by Cox Rayner Architects with Hames Sharley and Conrad Gargett RiddelEducational_UQOralHealthCentre_CoxRayner-HamesSharley-ConradGargettRiddel_Photo-ChristopherFrederickJones-1.jpg
Photography by Christopher Frederick Jones

UNSW Materials Science & Engineering Building (NSW) by GrimshawEducational_UNSWMaterialsScience-Eng_Grimshaw_Photo-JohnGollings-1.jpg
Photography by John Gollings


Heide II (VIC) by McGlashan and EveristEnduring_HeideII_McglashanAndEverist_Photo-JohnGollings-1.jpg
Photography by John Gollings

Perth Concert Hall (WA) by Howlett and Bailey ArchitectsEnduring_PerthConcertHall_HowlettAndBailey_Photo-CourtesyCityOfPerth-1.jpg
Photography Courtesy City of Perth

Rivendell (ACT) by Laurie Virr ArchitectEnduring_Rivendell_LaurieVirrArchitect_Photo-TimWimborne-1.jpg
Photography by Tim Wimborne


5 Martin Place (NSW) by JPW & TKD architects in collaborationHeritage_5MartinPlace_JPW-TKDArchitects_Photo-BrettBoardman-1.jpg
Photography by Brett Boardman

Bayside Fire Station (QLD) by Owen ArchitectureHeritage_BaysideFireStation_OwenArchitecture_Photo-TobyScott-1.jpg
Photography by Toby Scott

Lennox Bridge Portals (NSW) by Hill Thalis Architecture + Urban Projects and Design 5 ArchitectsHeritage_LennoxBridgePortals_HillThalis-Design5Architects_Photo-AlexRink-1.jpg
Photography by Alex Rink

The Old Clare Hotel (NSW) by Tonkin Zulaikha GreerHeritage_TheOldClareHotel_TonkinZulaikhaGreer_Photo-ChrisCourt-1.jpg
Photography by Chris Court

The State Buildings (WA) by Architect: Kerry Hill Architects, Heritage Architect: Palassis ArchitectsHeritage_TheStateBuildings_KerryHillArchitects-PalassisArchitects_Photo-AngusMartin-1.jpg
Photography by Angus Martin

Tonsley Main Assembly Building and Pods (SA) by Woods Bagot and Tridente ArchitectsHeritage_TonsleyMainBuilding_WoodsBagot-TridenteArchitects_Photo-SamNoonan-1.jpg
Photography by Sam Noonan


Canberra Airport Hotel (ACT) by Bates SmartInterior_CanberraAirportHotel_BatesSmart_Photo-RodrigoVargas-1.jpg
Photography by Rodrigo Vargas

Geelong Library & Heritage Centre (VIC) by ARM ArchitectureInterior_GeelongLibrary-HeritageCentre_ARMArchitecture_Photo-JohnGollings-1.jpg
Photography by John Gollings

Mills, The Toy Management House (VIC) by Austin Maynard ArchitectsInterior_Mills-TheToyManagementHouse_AustinMaynardArchitects_Photo-PeterBennetts-1.jpg
Photography by Peter Bennetts

Minter Ellison (NSW) by BVNInterior_MinterEllison_BVN_Photo-JohnGollings-1.jpg
Photography by John Gollings

Oggi (SA) by Studio-GramInterior_Oggi_Studiogram_Photo-DavidSievers-1.jpg
Photography by David Sievers

University of Queensland Oral Health Centre (QLD) by Cox Rayner Architects with Hames Sharley and Conrad Gargett RiddelInterior_UQOralHealthCentre_CoxRayner-HamesSharley-ConradGargettRiddel_Photo-ChristopherFrederickJones-1.jpg
Photography by Christopher Frederick Jones


Australian Memorial Wellington (New Zealand) by Tonkin Zulaikha Greer with Paul Rolfe ArchitectsInternational_AustralianMemorialWellington_TonkinZulaikhaGreer-PaulRolfe_Photo-MikeRolfe-1.jpg
Photography by Mike Rolfe

Australian Pavilion, Venice (Italy) by Denton Corker MarshallInternational_AustralianPavilionVenice_DentonCorkerMarshall_Photo-JohnGollings-1.jpg
Photography by John Gollings

China Mobile Office Suzhou (China) by JPWInternational_ChinaMobileOffice_JPW_Photo-ShanghaiZhangyuStudio-1.jpg
Photography by Shanghai Zhangyu Studio

National Gallery Singapore (Singapore) by Studio Milou Singapore with CPG ConsultantsInternational_NationalGallerySingapore_StudiomilouwithCPGConsultants_Photo-FernandoJavierUrquijo-1.jpg
Photography by Fernando Javier Urquijo

The Lalu Hotel Architecture, Qingdao (China) by Kerry Hill ArchitectsInternational_TheLaluHotelArchitecture_KerryHill_Photo-AlbertLim-1.jpg
Photography by Albert Lim

The Lalu Hotel Interior, Qingdao (China) by Kerry Hill Architects852_16424.jpg
Photography by The Shining Group

Vanuatu (Vanuatu) by Troppo ArchitectsInternational_Vanuatu-1.jpg
Photography by Troppo


Break O'Day Community Stadium (TAS) by Edwards + SimpsonPublic_International_Break_Edwards-Simpson-1.jpg

City of Perth Library and Public Plaza (WA) by Kerry Hill ArchitectsPublic_CityOfPerthLibraryPlaza_KerryHillArchitects_Photo-NicholasPutrasia-1.jpg
Photography by Nicholas Putrasia

Geelong Library & Heritage Centre (VIC) by ARM ArchitecturePublic_GeelongLibrary-HeritageCentre_ARMArchitecture_Photo-JohnGollings-1.jpg
Photography by John Gollings

Kempsey Crescent Head Surf Life Saving Club (NSW) by Neeson Murcutt ArchitectsPublic_Kempsey_Brett-Boardman-1.jpg
Photography by Brett Boardman

St Andrews House (NSW) by Candalepas AssociatesPublic_St-Andrew_Brett-Boardman-1.jpg
Photography by Brett Boardman

The Condensery - Somerset Regional Art Gallery (QLD) by Phab ArchitectsPublic_TheCondensery-SomersetGallery_PHABArchitects_Photo-MansonImages-1.jpg
Photography by Manson Images


Camino House (WA) by Bosske ArchitectureResi_Alts_Camino_Peter-Bennetts-1.jpg
Photography by Peter Bennetts

Chapel Hill House (QLD) by Reddog ArchitectsResi_Alts_Chapel_Chris-Frederick-Jones-1.jpg
Photography by Christopher Frederick Jones

Darlinghurst Rooftop (NSW) by CO-AP (Architects)Resi_Alts_Darlinghurst_Ross-Honeysett-1.jpg
Photography by Ross Honeysett

Jenny's House (TAS) by Rosevear StephensonResi_Alts_Jennys_Ray-Joyce-1.jpg
Photography by Ray Joyce

Mills, The Toy Management House (VIC) by Austin Maynard ArchitectsResi_Alts_Toy_management_Peter-Bennetts-1.jpg
Photography by Peter Bennetts

Project Zero (QLD) by BVNResi_Alts_ProjectZero_BVN_ChristopherFrederickJones-1.jpg
Photography by Christopher Frederick Jones


Deepdene House (VIC) by Kennedy NolanResi_New_Deepdene_Kennedy-Nolan-1.jpg
Photography supplied

Deepwater (NSW) by Tobias PartnersResi_New_Deepwater_Justin-Alexander-1.jpg
Photography by Justin Alexander

Five Yards House (TAS) by ArchierResi_New_Five-Yards_Adam-Gibson-1.jpg
Photography by Adam Gibson

Granville Residence (QLD) by Richard Kirk ArchitectResi_New_Granville_Scott-Burrows-1.jpg
Photography by Scott Burrows

House in Hamilton (QLD) by Phorm Architecture + Design with Tato ArchitectsResi_New_House-in-Hamilton_Chris-Frederick-Jones-1.jpg
Photography by Christopher Frederick Jones

Indigo Slam (NSW) by Smart Design StudioResi_New_Indigo-Slam-_-Sharring-Rees-1.jpg
Photography by Sharrin Rees

Point Lonsdale House (VIC) by NMBW Architecture StudioResi_New_Point-Lonsdale_Peter-Bennetts-1.jpg
Photography by Peter Bennetts

Rosalie House (QLD) by Owen ArchitectureResi_New_Rosalie_Toby-Scott-1.jpg
Photography by Toby Scott


10 Wylde Street (NSW) by SJBResi_Multi_10_wilde_Brett-Boardman-1.jpg
Photography by Brett Boardman

Knutsford / Stage 1 (WA) by Spaceagency ArchitectsResi_Multi_Knutsford_Robert-Frith-1.jpg
Photography by Robert Frith

Monash University Logan Hall (VIC) by McBride Charles RyanResi-Multi_MonashUniLoganHall_McbrideCharlesRyan_Photo-JohnGollings-1.jpg
Photography by John Gollings

Nº 17 Danks (NSW) by SJBResi_Multi_no-17-Danks_Brett-Boardman-1.jpg
Photography by Brett Boardman


Bath House (QLD) by Stephen de Jersey ArchitectSmall_Bath-House_Scott-Burrows-1.jpg
Photography by Scott Burrows

Garden Gallery (NSW) by Panovscott ArchitectsSmall_Garden-Gallery_Brett-Boardman-2.jpg
Photography by Brett Boardman

Maidstone Tennis Pavilion (VIC) by Searle x Waldron ArchitectureSmall_Maidstone_Nick-Searle-1.jpg
Photography by Nick Searl

Wilston Garden Room (QLD) by Vokes and Peters with Owen and Vokes and PetersSmall_Wilston_Chris-Frederick-Jones-1.jpg
Photography by Christopher Frederick Jones


5 Martin Place (NSW) by JPW & TKD architects in collaborationUrbanDesign_5-Martin_Brett-Boardman-1.jpg
Photography by Brett Boardman

Bowen Place Crossing (ACT) by Lahznimmo ArchitectsUrbanDesign_bowen_Ian-Marshall-1.jpg
Photography by Ian Marshall

Lennox Bridge Portals (NSW) by Hill Thalis Architecture + Urban ProjectsUrbanDesign_Lennox_Alex-Rink-1.jpgPhotography by Alex Rink

Liberty Place (NSW) by Francis-Jones Morehen ThorpUrbanDesign_LibertyPlace_Francisjonesmorehenthorp_Photo-AndrewChung-1.jpgPhotography by Andrew Chung


  • Devil's Corner (TAS) by Cumulus Studio
  • South Australia Drill Core Reference Library (SA) by Thomson Rossi
  • The Condensery - Somerset Regional Art Gallery (QLD) by Phab Architects
  • The State Buildings (WA) by Architect: Kerry Hill Architects, Heritage Architect: Palassis Architects
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