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Legion House, a part of Liberty Place by FJMT. Image: John Gollings.

FJMT and Ian Moore Architects triumphant at World Architecture Festival (WAF) day one

Australia’s Francis-Jones Morehen Thorp (FJMT) and Ian Moore Architects have taken out category prizes at the 2014 World Architecture Festival in Singapore
Nathan Johnson
Nathan Johnson

02 Oct 2014 5m read View Author

Australia’s Francis-Jones Morehen Thorp (FJMT) and Ian Moore Architects have taken out category prizes at the 2014 World Architecture Festival in Singapore, the largest global celebration of architecture.

FJMT’s Liberty Place project in Sydney took the ‘Completed Building – Office’ award from a strong shortlist of 17 finalists, which also included projects from Australia’s Woods Bagot and Lyons architects.

The jury commended the project, saying “they have sensitively achieved the creation of a public space in a very urban context through placing and manipulating multiple building interventions.”

“Collectively, it is an articulate assemblage of elements (ground plane, street walls, tower elements and landscape).

“The architectural forms create a dynamic public space and reinvigorate a previously run down mid-city area.”

Liberty Place comprises three buildings, ANZ Tower (below left) with 55,750sqm over 42 storeys, Legion House with 1,200sqm over five storeys and 167 Castlereagh St. with 360sqm over two storeys floors. Receiving little sun or wind, Legion House at Liberty Place receives its energy from a process called biomass gasification. The technology coverts plant sourced materials into a combustible gas that used to generate electricity. This is effectively a carbon zero energy source as the greenhouse gases released in the energy production equal that absorbed in creating the biomass. (Images: John Gollings)

Ian Moore Architect’s ‘The Olive Grove’ house in the Hunter Valley was the recipient of the ‘Future Projects – House’ award and was commended for its dramatic response to its surrounding environment.

Ian Moore Architects was awarded the prize ahead of the eight category finalists — which included Australia’s Allen Jack+Cottier Architects and Fox Johnston-NettletonTribe — for their creative and respectful response to the site’s topography, and the house’s simple form.

“We commend the way the house is sent against the sloping site, and we applaud the house’s dramatic presence in its environment. We also liked the simplicity in its form and its sustainable features,” the jury commended.

The house has been designed with a prefabricated steel structure, allowing easy transport and erection on the remote site. The house will be clad in standing seam black aluminium sheet with vertical and horizontal sun shading louvres, while the interior is a simple white plasterboard shell. A freestanding black joinery unit at the centre of the house contains a small kitchen and laundry, with book shelving facing the living area. All spaces have asymmetrically pitched ceilings that follow the roof line. Images: Ian Moore Architects.

Now in its seventh year, the World Architecture Festival awards will culminate with the announcement of the coveted World Building of the Year award on Friday 3 October, which will be selected by the festival’s super-jury.

As category winners, FJMT and Ian Moore Architects will now wait in anticipation for the announcement of the World Building of the Year Award. FJMT’s Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki project was last year’s winner.

Full list of 2014 winners (so far):

Completed Buildings:

  • House: House for Trees by Vo Trong Nghia Architects
  • Housing: The Carve by A-Lab
  • Office: Liberty Place by Francis-Jones Morehen Thorp
  • Higher Education and Research: Dalarna Media Library by Adept
  • Display: Te Kaitaka 'The Cloak' by Fearon Hay Architects
  • Schools: Chobham Academy by Allford Hall Monaghan Morris
  • Shopping: Yalikavak Marina Complex by Emre Arolat Architects
  • Religion: La Ascension del Señor Church by AGi architects

Future Projects:

  • Culture: Freedom of the Press Monument by Gustavo Penna Arquiteto & Associados
  • Commercial mixed-use: Isfahan Dreamland Commercial Centerby Farshad Mehdizadeh Architects
  • Health: The Extension of The People's Hospital of Futian by Leigh & Orange
  • Leisure-led development: Antakya Museum Hotel by Emre Amrolat Architects
  • House: The Olive Grove by Ian Moore Architects
  • Office: Agashiyan by Sanjay Puri Architects
  • Infrastructure: Linköping Central Station by Metro Arkitekter (Sweco group)
  • Masterplanning: North West Cambridge Masterplan byAECOM Design & Planning

More category winners are yet to be announced and include the following Australian finalists


Civic and community

  • AGL Lakeside Pavilion, Australia, by Kennedy Associates Architects


  • Bankstown Library and Knowledge Centre, Australia, by Francis-Jones Morehen Thorp
  • Garangula Gallery, Australia, by Fender Katsalidis Mirams Architects – Culture category


  • Chris O'Brien, Lifehouse, Australia, by HDR Rice Daubney
  • Whyalla Regional Cancer Centre Redevelopment, Australia, by Hames Sharley
  • Dandenong Mental Health Facility, Australia, by Bates Smart Architects (in association with The Irwin Alsop Group)


  • Crown Mahogany Room, Australia, by Bates Smart Architects

New and Old

  • Tasmanian Museum & Art Gallery, Australia, by Francis-Jones Morehen Thorp
  • Sustainable Industries Education Centre, Tonsley Tafe, Australia, by MPH Architects


  • Sir Samuel Griffith Centre, Australia, by Cox Rayner Architects
  • Lune de Sang Sheds, Australia, by Chrofi


  • No Australian projects


  • No Australian projects


  • No Australian projects


Completed designs – rural and urban


Competition entries

  • No Australian projects


  • No Australian projects


  • No Australian projects


  • Wentworth Park Competition, Australia, by Fox Johnston-NettletonTribe
  • The Olive Grove, Australia, by Ian Moore Architects

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