Soon, it will be easier to know which products are more ‘environmentally friendly’, with Good Environmental Choice Australia (GECA) currently in the process of developing a new product standard that will scale the environmental preferability of industry products.
GECA says that products with the title “Environmentally Preferable Products” will be based on the revisions of other standards.
“It would show environmental improvements or have characteristics that reduce environmental impact compared with other equivalent products, such as through reductions in energy use, water use, greenhouse gas emissions, or through other means,” the organisation said in a statement.
Input from industry professionals, including manufacturers, construction project teams, consultants, academics and environmental organisations, is being sought by GECA for a thorough development of the standard.
“To help ensure a meaningful, thorough and robust standard is developed, GECA is calling for participants to be a part of the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) for the standard. The consultation process is intended to take place in three phases during May and June this year.”
To contribute to the development of this standard please contact GECA on [email protected] or call 02 9699 2850.