The Australian Flexible Pavement Association (AfPA) has called for greater collaboration between Government and industry to address labour and skills shortage as well as gender diversity issues.

AfPA had recently launched their Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) Roadmap, which sets a new strategic direction for the flexible pavement industry as a whole, and seeks to tackle key industry challenges that have come to light during National Skills Week, including the importance of gender equity and workforce diversity to create sustainable and long-lasting change across the broader building and construction sector.

AfPA has now called on the Federal Government to apply the Roadmap nationally to establish consistent standards, procedures, and guidelines that promote best practices and ensure uniformity in delivery.

The Federal Budget’s upcoming changes to the Australian Skills Guarantee, taking effect from 1 July 2024, are expected to increase the representation of female apprentices on tenders, which will not only address the current skills shortage but also create a diverse pipeline of skilled professionals for the future.

Australia’s roadwork and construction industry remains heavily male-dominated: While women comprise 47.9% of the Australian workforce, only 13% of the construction workforce are women. Fostering a dynamic and inclusive work environment that welcomes young people and underrepresented groups is equally important to industry improvement and growth, says AfPA.

AfPA proposes a set of strategies that aim to increase awareness and break down barriers to participation among underrepresented groups through initiatives and programs such as:

  • AfPA Diversity and Inclusion Charter, a senior leadership national commitment to recognise and support a diverse and inclusive workforce and lead best practice strategies essential to industry.
  • AfPA National Knowledge Exchange Program, designed to engage all educational establishments in raising awareness and highlighting the benefits of young people entering the flexible pavement industry.
  • AfPA Diversity and Inclusion Mental Health and Wellness Program, designed to assist in mentoring and establishing mental health and wellness standards across the industry.

Additionally, AfPA has launched the Industry Skills Card, an 11-part qualification initiative supported by the NSW State Government, and created to train and support better career development for industry workers in a sector facing a skills shortage at a time of unprecedented demand for infrastructure projects and repairs. According to AfPA, the Skills Card needs to be adopted on a national scale to ensure unified standards for skills recognition within the flexible pavement industry.

Image: Pintrest