Current issues being discussed by business managers include how important the space you work in is, how influential the people around you are and how much space a business needs.

An interview in the latest edition of TRANSFORMATIVE: the culture of workplace, has Sam Nickless of The GPT Group and BVN Donovan Hill’s Bill Dowzer telling Australian Financial Review’s Robert Harley that both space utilisation and the building of communities around people have an impact on productivity.

Dowzer talks about how expanding a business without increasing fixed costs puts the focus on utilisation of space and how to get more use out of existing space.

While Nickless picks up on the fact that there is so much unoccupied space during the day, supporting this view with a statistic that claims the average desk is occupied around 30 per cent of the time.

Growth of technology and its role in allowing people to work anywhere is covered, although Nickless points out that, “While you’re got the technology to work anywhere, just because you can doesn’t mean you should – people still want a place for their people to have creative collisions and the ability to have meaningful conversations.”

There is greater flexibility in the use of space and great places for people to work in are being built, which is actually about building communities.

To listen to the full conversation and find out what the future workplace might be like, click here.