Register your brand’s products to help rebuild the lives of those who have lost everything.

Since late 2019, Australia has experienced bushfires on an unprecedented scale. Exacerbated by severe drought and scorching temperatures, the fires have been ferocious and wild, killing people, destroying ecosystems and burning property to the ground.

Indesign stands with the communities affected by these devastating blazes. We encourage our wider community to assist in the efforts to contain the fires and recover from their effects.

How can we help?

In the architecture and design industry, we are uniquely placed to assist with the rebuild effort, which will take a large financial and emotional toll on the communities and families who have lost so much.

We are proud to support the efforts of Architects Assist, who are committed to providing much needed disaster relief by way of pro bono architecture services.

With the help of Architects Assist, people who have lost their homes and livelihoods are connected to local design professionals who are able to provide free services to rebuild the places lost to the fire.

If you’re an architect or qualified building design professional, we’d encourage you to register your services with Architects Assist here.

If you’re a supplier or brand: to help in the rebuild and recovery process, we encourage you to register your brand’s interest in donating and supplying products/services or offering them at a significantly reduced price point.

We will be compiling a database of the brands and products to be shared with Architects Assist. This list will be made accessible to the architects working with them, so that they may call on you when the time comes.

For the people and communities who have lost homes, your assistance will mean that the road ahead is not quite as daunting as it otherwise would be.

Your donations will help in reducing the financial and emotional costs in rebuilding the lives and livelihoods of families who have lost everything.