Money can't buy you love, which is lucky for most architects. However, a new European survey has found that architects might be in with a better chance of finding romance than most.

Internet dating agency asked 5,000 single women to rate the profession they found most attractive. One third of British women (35 per cent), liked the prospect of a man with creative flair, such as an artist, writer, musician or architect (30 per cent), while just 2 per cent wanted to date a banker (compared to 18 per cent two years ago).

Dr Victoria Lukats, psychiatrist and Parship's dating expert, explains why certain professions hold greater appeal.

“In a recent PARSHIP survey, women rated good communication skills, a sense of humour, creativity, intelligence and style above good looks and even self-confidence in a potential partner. This may explain why women rate writers, musicians and architects so highly. Architects are perceived as contributing positively to society, being intelligent, educated, and above all as having a sense of style.”

British men also rate creative types, with nearly half (46 per cent) claiming they’d love to date an artist.