This is the last weekend to see all the Laneways By George! Hidden Networks art installations in eight laneways throughout Sydney's CBD.

Most of the artworks will begin being removed next week, but due to its huge success the City is looking to continue the 7m Bar in Underwood Street until the Easter long weekend in April. Forgotten Songs in Angel Place has also been extremely popular and Council is investigating making the artwork permanent.

"By George! has revitalised and created interesting new spaces in these normally forgotten laneways within our City over the last four months and the feedback from the public has been wonderful," said Lord Mayor Clover Moore MP.

"These unique and inspiring artworks have helped to reactivate public space by showing exciting and unexpected uses of laneways, a key part of our Sustainable Sydney 2030 plan."

More than 500 registrations and 68 submissions were received for this year's Laneways By George! Hidden Networks project. Eight teams had their concepts selected by Curator and urban designer Dr Steffen Lehmann and the City's Public Art Panel.