Union Station is a "civic embarrassment", finding architecture work in Ireland is a "thankless task" and the Burj Khalifa as a symbol of "hubris".

"Today, the station, which serves Metra commuter rail trains as well as Amtrak trains, is (or should be) a civic embarrassment. The traveling public must endure a maze of corridors, packed waiting rooms and the stench of train fumes. The grandly scaled waiting room, with its sky-lit, barrel-vaulted ceiling, is empty most of the time - an ironic state of affairs given the congestion elsewhere in the station."

Chicago Tribune

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"[The] architecture profession has been the hardest hit of all. There have been massive layoffs and trying to find work as an architect in Ireland now is a thankless task."

The Architects' Journal

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"Given the general level of tackiness on display - not to mention the often appalling living conditions of Dubai's armies of migrant construction workers - the Burj Khalifa should be an easy building to loathe, and the embarrassing way that its completion coincided with the near-meltdown of Dubai's economy makes it easy to mock as a symbol of hubris."

The New Yorker

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"There are actually few things sadder than a city without a heart and a pulse. Take Venice. Even a tourist can practically feel the city sinking under the weight of its own lugubrious listlessness. Of course people flock to cities for economic reasons but it's also because the vitality of late nights and bright lights draws them like moths."

The Independent

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"The replacement buildings are as uninspired as their counterparts at the Pennsylvania Plaza complex in New York, and they offer the same desultory results - bland commercial modernism above, a rat-maze train station below."

Chicago Tribune

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