Tasmanian Government Architect Peter Poulet has resigned after three years in the role, with critics seizing the opportunity to call for the position to be abolished.

The Tasmanian Government has not advertised the position as it says it is under review; the Liberal Opposition has attacked the role - which including the salary costs about $330,000 a year - as an “extravagance”.

Peter Poulet

Tasmania's first state architect, Poulet was appointed in June 2009 and has decided to move back to Sydney to be closer to his family.

He had been working as a mentor to students at the University of Tasmania School of Architecture, where he is an adjunct professor.

He was reported by the ABC saying the Government should consider employing a Tasmanian next time.

"There are very good local people who could do the job admirably," Polulet said.

"In fact, in many ways because my job was to really establish the position, establish its credentials, a local person who knows the lay of the land who understands the nuances of doing business in Tasmania could hit the ground running and not have to spend that time as I did understanding the place."

The Tasmanian Opposition called for the role to be abolished.

Opposition spokesman Jeremy Rockliff said: “There's no better time to abolish this position. It's a luxury that the State Government can no longer afford. This is not an essential service. Essential services are particularly those social services at the frontline of our health system and our education system and the police force."

Image: The Mercury