Running alongside on 29-30 August, the two-day Forum is divided into morning and afternoon sessions tackling topics of the moment within sectors of workplace, healthcare and aged care, hospitality, and city planning and development.

Where FRONT’s program of CPD presentations is geared toward technical, practical knowledge essential to architectural and design practice, the FRONT Forum is devoted to big ideas and thought leadership.

Here are some of our top picks:

Co-creating city and country: Indigenous consultation in development and design

As Australian cities develop in leaps and bounds, we look to Indigenous Australian culture to co-create a new modern identity. To what degree is Indigenous cultural consultation part of design and development? What is the best-case scenario for an inclusive process?

Panellists include: Kieran Wong from The Fulcrum Agency (moderator), David Kaunitz from Kaunitz Yeung Architecture, Jodie Taylor from International Towers, Lucy Simpson from Gaawaa Miyay and Sarah Lynn Rees from JCB.

Book tickets here.

Zest for life: Design strategies for ageing in place

From the individual, to the home, and the neighbourhood – we look at current and emerging design strategies for growing old – without feeling our age.

Panellists include: Fiona Young from Hayball (moderator), Diane Jones from PTW, Howard Smith from Keppel Capital, Lorraine Calder from Australian Unity and Qianyi Lim from Sibling Architecture.

Book tickets here.

Healthy patients, happy workers: Making healthcare spaces ‘work’ for everyone      

In healthcare facilities, patient demands naturally take priority – but what of the workers’? Our panel of designers, researchers and healthcare specialists nut out the imperatives for a healthy environment and happy workplace.

Panellists include: Tonya Hinde (moderator), Ernest Girardi from Silver Thomas Hanley, Jan Golembiewski from Psychological Design, Melinda Alushaj from Uniting Care and Michaela Sheahan from Hassell.

Book tickets here


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