Australian Communications Authority is responsible in terms of monitoring online content, including mobile phone and internet content, and enforcing Australia’s anti-spam law. The role of Australian Communications Authority investigate complaints about online content and gambling services, notifying the community about internet safety issues, particularly those relating to children, encouraging the development of codes of practice for online content service providers and internet service providers and monitoring compliance with these codes. The role of Australian Communications Authority in terms of radiofrequency spectrum includes spectrum planning, apparatus licensing, radiofrequency class licensing, spectrum licensing, auctions and trading, satellite communications and space systems regulation, international radio communications activities.
Australian Communications Authority undertakes responsibilities in terms of telecommunication such as supporting the development of codes of practice for the industry and monitoring compliance, advising consumers on their rights and safeguards, monitoring the performance of carriage service providers, setting and enforcing industry and technical standards, and monitoring industry performance, numbering, managing the delivery of services to people with a communication impairment.
Australian Communications Authority makes announcements in terms of key activities and issues, conducts major investigations, calls for public comment, submissions and tenders
hosts and participates in training programs and conferences.