Miglas Australia are proud to announce their test window has passed the Australian Standard AS 1530.8.2 BAL (Bushfire Attack Level)-FZ Test.
Miglas offers the first stand alone double glazed window to pass the Bushfire Attack Level test. This has helped the window manufacturing company open opportunities for further design improvements in their product range.
Miglas has already scheduled a further series of pilot test windows that would be tested later this year.
After many bushfire tragedies, there had been a call for new regulations for construction in bushfire prone areas, which resulted in materials requiring a strict Bushfire Attack Level assessment.
Earlier this year, the Australian government had made available funds for the development of residential BAL FZ windows and doors. Out of all the window manufacturing companies that applied, Miglas and Nilfire were the two chosen to receive this special Government funding.
In order to obtain FZ Certification, the product must require a successful test of a clearly defined category. These categories of window testing include a fixed window, a casement window, an awning window and a hinged door. All these test products have to be fitted with their appropriate hardware and tested as one.
Miglas Australia will be using the Government funding to further develop and improve their range of window products, especially for bushfire prone areas.