Talking Architecture & Design Podcast (Episode 234) - The advantages of using metal ceilings in transport infrastructure hubs Listen Now
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    Seismic wall and ceiling systems

    Rondo has developed industry leading seismic systems covering our KEY-LOCK® and DUO® ceiling systems as well as our Steel Stud Drywall Framing System with every element designed to work together and tailored to suit your projects seismic requirement.

    Every component has been designed and extensively tested at Rondo and an independent laboratory in New Zealand by our seismic research team.

    The Seismic Systems are available for the following systems:

    • Rondo KEY-LOCK ® Concealed Suspended Ceiling Systems
    • Rondo DUO® Exposed Grid Ceiling System
    • Rondo Steel Stud and Track Drywall Framing System

    Features & Benefits:

    • Complete wall and ceiling seismic system
    • Strong enough to resist lateral forces during an earthquake
    • Will limit the structural damage of the system
    • Accommodates differential movements resulting from inter-storey movements
    • Helps support critical services after an earthquake and prevent tiles and lining boards from dislodging and blocking evacuation paths
    • • Helps protect the safety of building occupants

    These systems meet the following Australian/New Zealand standards and code requirements:

    • AS/NZS 2785:2000 Suspended Ceilings-Design and Installation
    • AS/NZS 1170.0:2002 Structural Design Actions- Part 0: General Principles
    • NZS 1170.5 Structural Design Actions- Part 5 Earthquake actions-New Zealand
    • AS 1170.4:2007 Structural Design Actions- Part 4: Earthquake Actions in Australia. Section 8: Design of parts and components
    • AS/NZS 4600:2005 Cold-formed steel structure


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