The Editor’s Choice Award is given to the entry that stands out from the pack in several very special ways and one that we feel deserves to be recognised for its unique principles and its outstanding as well as, unwavering commitment to sustainability and design.

Last year’s Editor’s Choice award saw NBRS and Donovan Payne Architects’ Bay Pavilions Arts + Aquatic (pictured top) centre named the inaugural winner of the category.

The criteria is rather simple. It's a matter of impressing our esteemed Editor, Branko Miletic. As entries draw to a close, we thought it best that we speak with Branko on what he’s expecting this year, as well as some wider questions regarding the realm of sustainability.

Architecture & Design: You’ve now picked two winners in this category since its inception. You got the hang of it yet?

Branko Miletic: It was never in doubt, Jarrod. Bay Pavilions and (last year’s winner) Breathe’s Aboriginal Housing Victoria project underscore that I know full well what’s going on. 

2023 was a crack field, I anticipate 2024 will be much the same.

A&D: Run me through why AHV got the jump.

BM: Ensuring First Nations people are able to live in safe, affordable and culturally sensitive homes was enough to gain my interest, but the Connection to Country and sustainable design principles drove it home. All-electric, 8.2 NatHERS, outstanding architectural design. Need I say more?

A&D: No, I will stop you there. This year you’ve brought in International Design as a new category. Why?

BM: Well you see, there’s some pretty amazing things going on here, but abroad there are many lessons to be learnt. By opening it up in the form of an international category then I think we can open up new lines of dialogue about what we can apply within an Australian context. How was that?

A&D: That was nice mate, pull quote worthy even. Back to Editor’s Choice. What are you looking for?

BM: Minimal environmental impact has to be the priority. I'm interested in seeing projects that push the boundaries of design with innovative ideas, but are also backed by solid research and a deep understanding of their environment. Ultimately, I want to see architecture that serves the community and enhances the built environment in a positive way.

A&D: So what are your next steps with all this?

BM: Well, I’m hoping our wonderful readers will look to submit or nominate some worthy projects. Until then, no more quotes. Ciao!

Sika has Partnered with the Sustainability Awards and the Editor’s Choice category since its inception in 2023. The company supplies specialty systems and products for bonding, sealing, damping, reinforcing, and protection in a variety of industries, including the building sector and the motor vehicle industry. The company is committed to reducing its consumption both in-house and abroad, and is a member of the UN Global Compact.

The 2024 Sustainability Awards are nearing at a rapid rate. For more info, click here.