HY William Chan is a driving force in Sydney's sustainable architecture scene. His journey as a fledgling architect embodies the qualities of each of our Emerging Sustainable Architect winners, and his win in the category in 2023 only extends this further.

While his past achievements spoke volumes – advocating for social inclusion, shaping public spaces, and championing climate action –  Chan hasn't stopped there. His current role as a City of Sydney Councillor allows him to directly influence policy and development with a focus on sustainability and social justice.

One key initiative is his leadership on the Local Pedestrian, Cycling and Traffic Calming Committee.  This aligns perfectly with his vision for a city built around people, not just cars, promoting a more sustainable and equitable urban environment.  He also sits as Deputy Chair of the Transport, Heritage, Environment and Planning Committee, further amplifying his influence on shaping Sydney's future.

Beyond the council chambers, Chan remains a vocal advocate.  His experience extends to the national level with his role as an Executive of Climate Emergency Australia, a coalition pushing for a zero-carbon economy.  He continues to inspire young people through public speaking engagements, sharing his passion for sustainable development on platforms like the UN General Assembly and TEDx.

William Chan's story is a powerful reminder that the Emerging Sustainable Architect award isn't just a recognition of past achievements, but a springboard for ongoing impact. His dedication to creating a more sustainable and just Sydney serves as an inspiration to us all.

If you are or know someone that is beginning to spread their wings within the built environment and deserves to be rewarded for their efforts, we ask that you submit an entry to the Sustainability Awards. There’s a great chance that, if they are indeed deserving, that they’ll be standing onstage in November later this year.