Gemma Battenbough . Articles BREAKING NEWS: New suburb to stretch Perth coastline A major metropolitan coastal centre, set to host 50,000 people, is taking the isolated city northwards. Melbourne needs a "rethink" before 2030: Professor The state government will need to stop being held ransom by the development industry if it is to cope with five million people, says an expert. Architects revealed for Brisbane's CBD facelift A glittering steel facade is charged with transforming the Wintergarden Shopping Centre into a 'lifestyle hub'. Stiff competition for Circular Quay project A shortlist of international and Australian architects are vying for the iconic Gold Fields House project. Light artists called for iconic project Melbourne's Rectangular Stadium is on the hunt for artists to trip the light fantastic across its 1,000 LED-covered roof. HASSELL church proposal "schizoid" and "ad hoc" Firm's latest plan for a repeat client "falls short", says councillor.