Gemma Battenbough . Articles Lend Lease sets sights on public private projects Lend Lease is buildings its capacity for public private partnerships, including health and education projects. WIN! One of five Adventures in Architecture DVDs What is the world's most inspiring building and why? Tell us in 20 words or fewer for a chance to win on of five DVDs... Open tenders A national round up of open architectural competitions, featuring Victoria, Western Australia and ACT projects. UTS Broadway runners up revealed, images and full proposals A building 'cloaked' in a laser-cut veil and a glass-walled concept that puts office workers on view are among the runners up in the UTS Broadway competition. Ask the experts How can I maximise the earning potential of every commission without sacrificing the quality of the architecture? Local architect named for Geelong theatre project A local Geelong architect has been appointed for the $3 million redevelopment of the Geelong Performing Arts Centre.