Gemma Battenbough . Articles Daily gossip made into shelter, images Rebelling against the throw-away lifestyle of the (printed) daily read, The Functionality is making shelter from yesterday's news. Grass addition for LA home, images Bricault Design has created a plant-covered extension with more than just a green aesthetic for a growing family in LA's Venice district. State of Design cardboard cocktail bar, images Boutique beauty brand Aesop wooed the crowds at Melbourne's State of Design Festival with this cardboard installation that also served as a bar. FJMT security building a 'monster': architect The architect of Canberra's Parliament House, Romaldo Giurgola, has labeled the new ASIO building a "monster". Short list of two revealed for Epping market Just two bidders remain for the design and construction of the relocation of Melbourne's wholesale fruit and vegetable market. Sustainable city plans could slash emissions by half: research City-wide sustainable planning and intelligent design could halve the greenhouse gas emissions of Australian cities over the next 20 years, according to new research.