Gemma Battenbough . Articles Calls for future family to trial smart home, rent free The NSW government is calling for volunteers to test a Tonkin Zulaikha Greer-designed house. Australian interior designer makes Who's Who of Women A NSW-based fellow of the Design Institute of Australia has been honoured by an international publication. BREAKING NEWS: New civic space for Broadway wins approval A 6,500 sqm public park, within the $2 billion re-development of the Carlton and United Brewery site in Chippendale, has been given the green light. Queensland developer fined for environmental blunder An environmental breach has left a Queensland developer with mud on its face and a $65,000 bill. VIDEO: UTS tower to get glowing eco-skin UTS Tower, Goulburn Street Car Park and other 1960s Sydney icons could receive a much-needed facelift, thanks to a new, innovative 'reskinning' technique. Victorian building approvals up 110 per cent The garden state approved 48,452 homes in 2009, despite the impact of the financial crisis.