Jarrod Reedie is the Assistant Editor of Architecture & Design's digital and physical publications. Since joining the masthead in 2021, the budding writer has penned a number of articles on defining residential, commercial, cultural and education projects both at home and abroad. Reedie was recently given exclusive access to Moreau Kusunoki and Genton's Powerhouse Parramatta project, recognised as the biggest cultural project to be built in Australia since the Sydney Opera House.



Parramatta unveils its vision for 2050 and beyond
The City of Parramatta has unveiled a 25-year manifesto which will guide the transformation of Sydney’s second CBD. The document, titled Parramatta 2050, is clear in its goal: For the city to become a global powerhouse.
Leichhardt Oval funding promise made by federal government
The public debate surrounding funding for Leichhardt Oval looks to be drawing to a resolution, with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Australian Rugby League Commissioner Peter V’Landys reportedly coming to an agreement for the much-loved sporting institution.
The results are in, and mid-rise is desired by Sydneysiders
NSW Government Architect Abbie Galvin has endorsed recent findings from the UNSW’s City Futures Research Centre, which has found that Sydneysiders want more medium density housing.
St Kilda’s much-loved indie theatre a step closer to re-opening
The construction phase of the Nelson Koo Architects-designed Theatre Works redevelopment is now underway, with St Kilda’s much-loved indie theatre to be utilised for years to come thanks to the upgrades.
Thalis a gold medallist in 2024
Philip Thalis has been awarded the Australian Institute of Architects Gold Medal for 2024, recognised for his distinguished service as an architect.
Buxton Contemporary to explore art in the arena
The same crowd never gathers twice according to the University of Melbourne, who have themed their entire Buxton Contemporary exhibition around that premise, featuring six leading international and Australian artists plus new works from a number of esteemed creatives.