Kellie Harpley . Articles In profile: Rob McBride McBride Charles Ryan are well known for some of their more unusual buildings, including the award-winning Monaco House in Melbourne. Kellie Harpley talks to practice director, Rob McBride. In profile: Ian McDougall They are currently the talk of the town, and they are Ian McDougall's babies. Kellie Harpley speaks to the man behind the new Melbourne Theatre Company and Melbourne Recital Centre. Spotlight: Melbourne In a city known for its architecture, where would you go to see the best of Melbourne? Kellie Harpley takes a stroll with a selection of architects from the southern city. In profile: Silver Thomas Hanley Silver Thomas Hanley specialises in the design of hospitals and health facilities. Kellie Harpley speaks to director Melina Thomas and senior project architect Jason Braun about what makes their practice different. Global round up Need-to-read news from around the globe. In profile: Tom Jordan of Hayball From affordable housing to sustainability and the innovative design of classrooms, Kellie Harpley speaks to Hayball's managing director Tom Jordan about the big challenges facing the architectural profession.