Lucy Marrett . Articles Luxury Sydney apartments aim for benchmark sustainability targets A new luxury apartment building in Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs is aiming to be the first ever multi-res development to receive both a 6 Star Green Star rating and PassivHaus certification. Repurposed public spaces impress at 2016 Australian Urban Design Awards A massive water management infrastructure project, a transformed abandoned railway and a Canberra pedestrian underpass were all celebrated at the 2016 Australian Urban Design Awards (AUDA), held recently in Melbourne. Architects line-up for ‘Engaging Women in the Built Environment’ conference at UNSW A number of leading figures in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction industry will gather on 10 October at the University of New South Wales to discuss ways to boost the presence of women within the industry. Kerry Hill designs 'museum in the sky' for Perth Award winning architect Kerry Hill has won a competition to design a new mixed-use development in Perth’s Elizabeth Quay. The latest skylights available in Australia and when to use them A guide for specifying Australian skylights to let the light in and stand the test of Australian conditions. Institute's top-down approach to gender equity not going unnoticed Recent efforts by the Australian Institute of Architects to counter gender inequality in the profession have been picked up by mainstream Australian media.