Sarah Buckley . Articles Winners announced for Public Spaces Ideas competition Greening pumps to cool Western Sydney, creating micromeadows connect to nature and a new 42km of continuous walking and cycling trails are some of the winning entries to the inaugural Public Space Ideas Competition for Greater Sydney. Charter Hall's $1.5bn Wesley Precinct commences construction Construction works have commenced on 150 Lonsdale Street in Melbourne, as part of Charter Hall’s $1.5 billion Wesley Place Precinct project. PTW Architects spearheads Castle Hill's 'green roof growth' PTW Architects takes sustainable principles of green infrastructure design from its city precedents (One Central Park, The Alexander at Barangaroo) and adapts them to an appropriate response for Castle Hill. Grimshaw partners with BPI Rating to drive sustainable product material selection BPI Rating (BPI), has formed a partnership with architecture firm Grimshaw to co-develop a solution to manage their material data through design and specification. NSW Gov and Giraffe launch ePlanning service The NSW Government has announced a new ePlanning service, delivered by NSW technology start-up Giraffe, that allows users to display and analyse the many layers of data that contribute to the infrastructure future of NSW. Record lending fuels the housing market revival and building boom Chief Economist at Archistar, Dr Andrew Wilson, weighs in on record lending fuelling the housing market revival and building boom.