

INTERNATIONAL SNAPSHOT: Kings Cross reinvention; abandoned airport project; AI artwork
Let's take a look at some of the world's latest news and innovations in architecture and design.
INTERNATIONAL SNAPSHOT: Italian architecture's highest honour; world's biggest cultural centre; stunning pastel pink church
This week's international snapshot features the sculpture that won Italian architecture's highest honour, the world's biggest cultural centre in Taiwan and a stunning pink church in China.
Bates Smart’s plan for a new stadium in the heart of Sydney
Bates Smart has proposed a plan to build a new Sydney stadium over the railyards at Central Station.
INTERNATIONAL SNAPSHOT: Genoa bridge collapse; Asbestos legal again; Sandy Hook memorial design
This week's international snapshot features details on the Genoa bridge collapse, the re-introduction of asbestos into US manufacturing and the chosen design for the Sandy Hook memorial.
Sunshades: Combining utility and architecture
Sunshading is a crucial element of urban design, especially in sunny Australia. While some might view sunshades as a bland utility feature, this is no longer the case. Innovative engineers have worked to ensure that sunshades are not only more effective than ever, but also more aesthetically pleasing than ever.
Karl Traeger on how airports are changing in the face of security threats
The Federal Government has announced it will dedicate $293.6 million towards aviation security in the 2018-19 budget, in an effort to safeguard Australia against evolving threats in the civil aviation, air cargo and international mail sectors.