Dick Clarke

Dick Clarke is principal of Envirotecture and is an accredited building designer with 30 years expe rience, focusing exclusively on ecolog ically sustainable and culturally appro priate buildings. He has received sev eral design awards and holds a Master’s degree in Research (Institute of Sustainable Futures, UTS), having pursued the topic of the effect of state and local planning instruments on the sustainability of the built environment.

Clarke is an ACF Climate Change Volunteer presenter of Australia’s Inconvenient Truth, having trained with Al Gore in November 2006. He is director of sustainability and past president of the Building Designers Association of NSW. He is the immedi ate past president and previous board member of the Association of Building Sustainability Assessors (ABSA), and continues to work with ABSA and deliver some of its training material.

He sat on the Industry Liaison Committee of the Australian Greenhouse Office’s highly acclaimed Your Home design guide, as well as authoring, editing and consulting on some of its content. He continues to be involved with various government and non-government bodies on envi ronmental issues and the built environ ment. He currently represents the BDA on the NatHERS-AccuRate upgrade (Technical Advisory) committee, and on the BASIX Reference Group.

Caitlin McGee

Caitlin's research focuses on the sus tainable built environment, learning and culture change. One of her key research interests is examining what it takes to make sustainable practices mainstream. Caitlin has been at the forefront of several high profile proj ects in this area, including the award- winning Your Home sustainable hous ing guide, a range of sustainability training programs for the building industry, an award winning green lease guide for commercial tenants and innovative policy research into the barriers to 'mainstreaming' sustainable development.

McGee joined the Institute for Sustainable Futures (ISF) in July 2000 to help research and write Your Home. Prior to joining ISF she worked as an architect for a large construction company and a range of urban and architectural design firms. At ISF McGee works with industry and gov ernment organisations to assist them to integrate the principles of sustain ability into their building projects from a life cycle perspective.

She has assisted a range of Local Governments to develop sustainability controls and guidelines and has been involved in a range of community engagement and learning initiatives related to sustainability. Organisational change for sustainability is another of her research interests. She has worked with clients with significant building portfolios such as the Australian Technology Park and the NSW Attorney General's Department, focusing on the use of sustainability as a tool for meeting business objectives and improving long term viability.

Eva-Marie Prineas

Eva-Marie Prineas is the principal at Architect Prineas. She is actively involved in the industry and was elect ed into the Australian Institute of Architects NSW Chapter Council in 2007. She is one of the original founders of the Emerging Architects group — DARCH — and in 2006 she was a juror for the AIA’s NSW Chapter Architecture Awards.

In 2009 Prineas was invited to design and build a room with the theme ‘Eco Luxury’ as part of an exhibition during Decoration & Design Sydney.

Prineas maintains a role as guest critic at the University of Sydney and is a regular contributor to Houses magazine.