Take off for Perth Airport's masterplan
Perth Airport has gained approval for its plans to merge the domestic and international terminals.The federal government has approved Perth Airport’s 2009 masterplan, which sets out its immediate multi-billion dollar investment plans as well as strategic direction for the net 20 years.
The masterplan sets out a 10-year, $2.4 billion plan, which includes moving domestic passengers to the International Precinct.
While federal minister for infrastructure, Anthony Albanese, gave the project the thumbs up yesterday, he was critical of the airport’s lack of public consultation.
“In giving my approval, I have made clear my expectation that the operators are to take a number of steps to improve the way they engage with nearby communities and respond to their concerns, particularly in relation to aircraft noise,” he said.
“In future, residents must be informed and consulted about all major changes to the Airport's operations and significant construction projects. This communication should involve direct mail, community leaflets, briefings to local councils, improved website information and provision of contact details for public enquiries.”
A $3.5 million study into how road and public transport links to and from the airport can be improved is also underway and is due to be finalized next year.
Perth Airport now has 50 business days to make its latest masterplan publically available.
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