Abax Systems offer rolled textile storage
The moving rolled textile storage system from Abax Systems is designed to safely store rolled textiles in an efficient and dense manner whilst providing ease of access and maximum protection.The moving rolled textile storage system from Abax Systems is designed to safely store rolled textiles in an efficient and dense manner whilst providing ease of access and maximum protection.
The system features an extruded aluminium frame and corresponding adjustable support brackets for each individual pole. This design enables easy and flexible adjustment to any vertical position.
The Abax system rolled textile storage tracks are constructed from electro-galvanized steel for high durability, while less than 7 kg of force will set a fully loaded unit in motion on the tracks for ease of accessibility.
Abax moving rolled textile storage systems can be wall mounted, or either ceiling or floor supported. Free-standing post and beam systems are also available as needed. Aisles are kept track free. Safety and protection for the collection and museum staff is never compromised, and the floor space is clear.
Silicone rubber vibration dampners surround the trolleys and isolate the vibration protecting the stored textiles. Vibration is attenuated in all axis/directions.
Abax rolled textile storage has successfully completed installations at more than 250 museums worldwide.

Abax Systems
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