Armstrong ceiling systems for physical containment facilities
A physical containment facility is designed to safely work with microorganisms and prevent the release of pathogens into the environment.What is a physical containment facility?
A physical containment facility is designed to safely work with microorganisms and prevent the release of pathogens into the environment.
They require varying levels of contaminant cleaning and cleansing, so products installed in these environments need to be durable.
There are 4 types of physical containment facilities:
1. Physical Containment Facility (PC1): Designed for work with low-hazard microorganisms, this type of facility might be used for low-risk studies of biological material, animals, and plants or for teaching.
2. Physical Containment Facility (PC2): Designed for work with genetically modified microorganisms, this type of facility might be used for moderate risk pathogen studies such as malaria, influenza or streptococcus.
3. Physical Containment Facility (PC3): Designed for work with high-risk microorganisms considered dangerous, cause severe disease and/or can be transmitted by aerosols, such as Ebola or Anthrax.
5. Physical Containment Facility (PC4): Designed for work with extreme risk agents, which can be aerosolised and may cause severe or fatal human health disease for which no vaccine or therapy exists.
Armstrong ceilings for physical containment facilities
Armstrong Ultima, Bioguard Acoustic and Bioguard Acoustic OP RH100 are durable, washable, and scrubbable, and suitable for use in PC1 and PC2 facilities.

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