Australian Building Standards for roof ventilation
The Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) would seem to be in the habit of suggesting standards with no specific research to back them up.There has been considerable discussion about roof ventilation in general, with particular attention given to high fire risk areas.
Much of what has been stated, suggested and surmised has been on a platform of ignorance, fear and supposition with little or no true reference.
The Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) would seem to be in the habit of suggesting standards with no specific research to back them up.
When the department was questioned about various issues regarding ventilation, the ABCB claimed that the recommendations come from peak industries. Much like vested interests – the analogy being similar to allowing banks to set preferred interest rates.
When asked to show the information, they have none, much less specific to the subject.
Then the ABCB presents these standards to Australian building authorities and city corporations, who blindly accept them, believing that the ABCB has the research to back their claims.
The ABCB accepts no responsibility for any negative outcome arising from their recommendations claiming that they are only recommendations. It is the city corporations or shire councils that enforce these recommendations but accept no responsibility.
Mediocrity at its best.
When confronted with any anomaly in the Building Codes, the builder is advised to enquire as to whether the city council is accepting responsibility for any negative outcome arising from the standard(s) imposed in the construction of the building.
Legal advice suggests that the legal responsibility resides with the enforcing body e.g., councils, insurance companies?

Condor Kinetic
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