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Caiform NX, Calstrip, Diamite, Calres 120 from Cementaid Australia GroupCaiform NX, Calstrip, Diamite, Calres 120 from Cementaid Australia Group

Caiform NX, Calstrip, Diamite, Calres 120 from Cementaid Australia Group

The form oil, bonding and curing agents of Cementaid Australia Group consists of Calform NX, Calstrip, Calcure CR, Calform cream, Calcure B, Calcure C30, Calcure HR, Calbond, Calcure D and Weldcrete.
Architecture & Design Team
Architecture & Design Team

20 Feb 2008 2m read View Author

The form oil, bonding and curing agents of Cementaid Australia Group consists of Calform NX, Calstrip, Calcure CR, Calform cream, Calcure B, Calcure C30, Calcure HR, Calbond, Calcure D and Weldcrete. The Caiform NX of Cementaid Australia Group reacts with alkali present in the cement in order to form a micro-scopic water repellent plastic film between formwork and concrete. Calstrip forms a semi-glazed coating on formwork, tough, that very slowly dissolves in the concrete surface in order to prevent set.

Calform Cream of Cementaid Australia Group penetrates deep into new form work in order to protect it against wet or dry cycling that prevents distortion of forms. Calcure CR of Cementaid Australia Group is specially formulated by incorporating chlorinated rubber that seals the surface of freshly placed concrete inhibiting moisture loss and providing high efficiency curing. Cal cure 30 from Cement aid Australia Group is a spray able, economical, wax based curing compound that seals the surface of fresh concrete, reducing moisture loss and providing high efficiency curing. The floor surface treatment of Cementaid Australia Group consists of items such as Diamite, Calres 120, Rokite, Calgrains and Steelite. The Diamite product of Cementaid Australia Group is a Liquid Case Hardener and Dustproofing Compound that encompasses clear, light blue, water based formulation.

Cementaid Australia Group
Cementaid Australia Group
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Cementaid Australia Group
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