Dux launches new Airoheat Heat Pump
Dux Hot Water has released its new Airoheat heat pump water heater.Dux Hot Water has released its new Airoheat heat pump water heater. Developed entirely in Australia by Dux Hot Water engineers, the heat pump features several technologies, including emersion heating principles and the patented Hotlogic controller.
The Airoheat heat pump water heater operates by absorbing heat from the air to heat the water in the tank. A fan at the top of the heat pump draws in air through an evaporator coil, which extracts the energy from the air in the form of heat, and then transfers it directly to the water in the tank.
With Dux’s New Heat Technology (NHT), heat transfer occurs within the water inside the tank; therefore the system is not exposed to some of the heat loss issues that other heat pump water heaters experience.
The New Heat Technology (NHT) is controlled by Dux Hot Water's patented Hotlogic processor. Hotlogic constantly monitors and adapts to suit changing weather conditions and water usage, maximising hot water storage and minimising energy used to provide operating efficiency, while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. According to Dux Hot Water, the Airoheat is an advanced product in terms of new technology, and is one of the most efficient heat pump water heaters on the market. He also states that the Airoheat heat pump water heater is well-suited to the Australian conditions.
Facilitating mains pressure hot water, the Airoheat heat pump water heater produces a strong, steady flow straight from the tank. Also by combining the standard proven Dux storage tank with an efficient heat pump system, the Airoheat heat pump water heater reduces water heating costs, while reducing the impact on the environment.
Creating hot water quietly and efficiently is the result of careful selection of the compressor and fan components in the Airoheat. It allows the Airoheat heat pump water heater to run at a considerably lower noise level than other heat pumps.
The Airoheat is easy to install and features dual handed plumbing as with all Dux tanks. According to Dux Hot Water, Airoheat heat pump water heater, besides satisfying environmental concerns, is energy-efficient, cost-efficient, and easy to operate and install.

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