Flail mulchers from RockHound Attachments Australia used in NSW Hydro-Electric plant
RockHound Attachments Australia offers a range of flail mulchers which are ideal for mulching grass, lantana, blackberries, heavy scrub and trees onsite with nothing to cart away.RockHound Attachments Australia offers a range of flail mulchers which are ideal for mulching grass, lantana, blackberries, heavy scrub and trees onsite with nothing to cart away.
The Rockhound Attachment flair mulchers are being used at a hydro-electric plant in NSW where these machines are doing the time consuming maintenance job once done by six staff members equipped with chain saws and brush cutters. A single person is now used to operate an excavator with a RockHound 30ex Flail Mulcher attached which mulches the scrub very quickly and easily while leaving nothing to take away. The mulched plant matter simply falls to the ground and breaks down into the soil.
RockHound Attachments Australia, have a range of contractor quality flail mulchers to suit skid steer, front end loader, backhoe, excavator or tractor with PTO drive, 3 point linkage.

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