How to get a sedentary population moving with a standing desk
Standing desks are increasingly becoming a popular fixture in offices around the world for their multiple benefits.Standing desks are increasingly becoming a popular fixture in offices around the world for their multiple benefits.
Also known as height adjustable desks or sit stand desks, standing desks should not be confused with standing-only desks that cannot be adjusted at all and can be quite inconvenient, especially since one needs to sit down as well.
A real standing desk is one that allows the user to work in both sitting and standing positions using the adjustability of the desk to change positions. With standing desks, one can avoid falling into the sedentary working style trap of sitting or standing all the time.
Height adjustable desks can be of various types. For instance, modern height adjustable desks use electric functions to allow the height to be adjusted within seconds at the push of a button. Older adjustable desks need to be manually raised or lowered, which can be time-consuming and inefficient, and typically results in the user avoiding adjustment, negating the very purpose of having a standing desk.
Ergomotion’s height adjustable electric sit stand desks
Ergomotion’s standing desks are electric sit stand desks that use an ultra-quiet energy efficient motor to adjust the desk between sitting and standing positions. Featuring European designed motors built to extremely high specifications, these adjustable desks have multiple memory positions enabling the user to revert to their ideal sitting or standing height, with minimal fuss.
Designed to move between the two positions quickly and silently, Ergomotion’s height adjustable desks will not disrupt the user’s working flow, remaining totally level during the entire operation and eliminating the risk of desk objects falling over.
Ergomotion’s Top Tips to consider when switching to a sit stand desk
1. Keep a supportive chair on hand to alternate between standing and sitting.
2. Wear comfortable shoes to work as heels will negate most of the health benefits of a standing desk.
3. When working in a standing position, stand tall with the shoulders back and relaxed, keeping the head in a neutral position when looking at the computer screen.
4. New users of standing desks can begin with using the standing position in small stretches and gradually work their way up to longer periods when they are more comfortable.
Those who are still considering the benefits of a standing desk may be advised that a sitting position burns exactly one calorie a minute.
Those who seek more information on standing desks may get in touch with one of the in-motion furniture experts at Ergomotion today.

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