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Invisi-Gard security screens – going beyond keeping you safe from intruders

Invisi-Gard security screens – going beyond keeping you safe from intruders

Unlike standard security screens, Invisi-Gard security screens offer multiple features that qualify them as ‘multi-use’ screens.
Architecture & Design Team
Architecture & Design Team

07 Oct 2020 4m read View Author

Homeowners generally install security screen windows and doors to protect their homes against intruders. However, Invisi-Gard security screens are designed to deliver much more than protection against burglars and other unwanted guests. Unlike standard security screens, Invisi-Gard security screens offer multiple features that qualify them as ‘multi-use’ screens.

What makes a security screen a ‘multi-use’ screen?

Home security screening with multiple features protects a home and its occupants not only against intruders but also from other less obvious dangers such as bushfires, accidental falls from windows, and damage from extreme weather events such as cyclones.

Multi-use security screen doors and windows can even help with improving the energy efficiency and comfort levels in your home.

Fire safe window screens

Invisi-Gard screens have fire attenuation properties and Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) ratings.

  • Fire attenuation: Where a product can reduce radiant heat and the spread of flames, thereby reducing the intensity of fire impacts. This rating is important regardless of where a building is located.
  • BAL rating: The ability of a product to resist fire. These ratings are most relevant to buildings in bushfire prone areas.

All Invisi-Gard products are rated BAL40, and have a fire attenuation rating of 55% or 48% (depending on the installation method), which deems them appropriate as a fire attenuation product under the National Construction Code, subject to fire certifier and engineer approval.

Window fall prevention by security screens

To achieve fall prevention credentials, a window security screen must undergo testing to Australian Standard AS5203-2016 Protection of Openable Windows. Passing this test proves the ability of the product to resist pressure and outward force. Invisi-Gard screens installed across openable windows will give parents the assurance that their children are safe.

Invisi-Gard security screens

For windows (usually on a lower level) that may be needed for egress in an emergency, a window security screen that can be quickly opened from the inside is advised. Invisi-Gard’s emergency escape window screen, Invisi-Scape allows residents to escape from a room quickly in an emergency by simply pressing a lever to release the screen. Invisi-Scape screens can be inward or outward opening as appropriate and are also handy when it comes to cleaning windows.

Cyclone rated security screens

Inhabitants of cyclone prone regions should install a cyclone rated flyscreen in their homes to provide protection for both people and property. Invisi-Gard’s cyclone rated security screen, Invisi-Maxx, has undergone NATA certified testing, which proved its efficacy in resisting impacts from debris and projectiles travelling up to 44m/sec, well in excess of the requirement of 35.2m/sec for extreme cyclonic Region D.

Energy efficient screening

A multi-use security screen can also function as a solar shading screen to improve energy efficiency inside the home. The semi-transparent mesh can diffuse direct sunlight, reducing the amount of heat reaching the screened portion of the window.

Security screens allow residents to safely keep windows open, enabling passive cooling and ventilation, which lower energy consumption. When security window screens are installed, people are more likely to leave a window open to allow natural breezes to do the work, instead of turning on air conditioning.

Invisi-Gard is WERS rated, which means its energy efficiency has been assessed under the Windows Energy Rating Scheme. This scheme identifies products that will enhance a building’s energy performance.

Invisi-Gard security screen solutions

When you are looking for ‘multi-use’ security screen windows and doors for your home, ensure the products you choose have the right credentials and will perform as described.

Invisi-Gard’s products have been tested and proven to give customers peace of mind that they are purchasing a high quality home security solution.

For a detailed discussion on home security screening, read our White Paper: Smarter Security: A Guide to Specifying Multi-Use Security Screen Solutions.

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