Lockable Magnetic Noticeboard from Display Me
The Display Me Lockable Magnetic Noticeboard has a magnetic writable whiteboard and a lockable polycarbonate front. Stylish and elegant, the Display Me lockable magnetic whiteboard is ideal for quickThe Display Me Lockable Magnetic Noticeboard has a magnetic writable whiteboard and a lockable polycarbonate front. Stylish and elegant, the Display Me lockable magnetic whiteboard is ideal for quick notices and doubles as a magnetic board.
The Display Me Lockable Magnetic Noticeboard is ready to be mounted either in portrait or landscape. Polycarbonate covers open to a 90 degrees angle. Lockable and rain resistant, the lockable magnetic noticeboard is ideal for outdoor use. Latest addition to the Display Me range, the Lockable Magnetic Noticeboard boasts practicality, durability and affordability.

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