Making your modular stage systems last a lifetime
Our podiums are designed and manufactured to the highest standards, and when handled with care, carefully maintained and stored properly, they will deliver many years of service.It’s no secret that portable staging can be subjected to rough handling and tough conditions when used commercially in the hire industry. But the question is — how long will it last?
The truth is, with the correct care and respect, our modular stage systems can last a lifetime.
So, what is the secret to their longevity? Our podiums are designed and manufactured to the highest standards, and when handled with care, carefully maintained and stored properly, they will deliver many years of service. That said, there are a few things you can do to ensure your modular stage systems last as long as possible. Read on to learn more!
Quality design and built to last
All our portable stages are made in Australia and crafted with precision and care to adhere to rigorous national standards. Designed in Germany, our QUATTRO portable stage system is supplied with a 10-year warranty. It has now been in service for more than 40 years, which is a testament to its quality and durability. Today, it is used extensively worldwide, including in the UK, Europe and Australia, for indoor and outdoor events.
Over the past 15 years, we’ve supplied more than 15,000 podiums in Australia alone; of these, virtually every unit is still in service! Even those that have been in use for decades can easily be restored to their former glory with some simple renovation works on the surface to bring them back to life. With this in mind, it’s clear our modular stage systems are built to last.
Minimal maintenance goes a long way
When it comes to your modular stage system, the highest wear item is undoubtedly the deck surface. Your choice of surface will influence how many years of service you’ll get from your stage before it may require renovation work. Timber decks of the staging surface options probably show the quickest signs of wear and tear. The lacquered deck surface can become scratched if dirty shoes walk on it, so try putting a doormat or similar on the area where people enter the stage so they can clean their shoes if this is possible.
For our carpet decks, we use a high-grade Marine carpet made in New Zealand and proven very durable. If carpet decks are left out in direct sunlight or get wet, the glue can start to come unstuck from the plywood deck underneath, but with proper care, a carpet surface option is a long-lasting option. For an outdoor stage, we suggest the Hexa plywood deck as a very hardwearing surface that can give several decades of service life without renovation when correctly looked after.
Avoid accidental damage
The most significant risk to your stage’s longevity is damage that is not caused by general wear and tear. This is most likely to happen during transit, so we recommend treating your stage like any other quality piece of furniture that needs to be moved by ensuring it is adequately prepared for safe transport.
Our main frame is an aluminium extrusion, and the profile can be dented or bent if it is roughly handled or dropped. Likewise, the deck surface will be damaged if care is not taken to protect it while setting up and packing down and again, especially during transport. Hence, a high level of care is required when transporting your stage from one event to the next. It’s also essential to store your modular stage systems out of the elements and away from high humidity, heat and moisture when not in use.
Why choose modular stage systems?
With their superior portability, flexibility and durability, Select Staging Concepts offers many advantages for modular stage systems. Whether you need a temporary or permanent staging setup, our products are designed to meet your needs and will provide you with excellent value for money in the long run.
Key advantages include:
- Easy to assemble and transport
- Can be configured into a variety of structures
- Multiple heights and lengths can be used in one system
- Versatile performance space for any type of event
- Durable construction that is built to last
- Cost-effective solution for both short and long-term use
Select Staging Concepts is the perfect option for whatever size or design of stage you require. On top of that, we can promise it will be produced and delivered with care, so your stage can last a lifetime!
With care, your Select Staging Concepts stage can last a lifetime
We are a 100% family-owned business, and all of our temporary and permanent stagings are produced in Australia and approved to the highest national standards. One of the main advantages of an outdoor portable stage is that they are built to last, and when cared for and treated with respect, they can last a lifetime. Even after years of use and hosting thousands of events, simple renovation works on the deck surface can make your old stage look new again — ready to face whatever is thrown at it for the next couple of decades!
If you’re looking for a portable modular stage system for your school, public building, church, performance area or any other indoor or outdoor space, talk to our team to discuss the best option for you and to find out how we can help!

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