Managing risks in delayed plumbing and drainage projects
When it comes to drainage, choosing the right design can reduce complexity and installation times, thus helping you meet project timelines.At a time when the construction industry is booming, the high demand for new homes has caused delays in construction and higher-than-expected costs for homeowners.
Sometimes delays are due to poor planning, mistakes during the design process or insufficient labour and resources; other times, delays are caused by sudden supply chain disruptions and shortages in building products and materials.
Managing risks in plumbing projects
When it comes to drainage, choosing the right design can reduce complexity and installation times, thus helping you meet project timelines. Case in point is the choice between traditional centre drains and linear drains.
Traditional centre drains are installed in the centre of the shower (or other relevant space), with the floors sloping from all four sides into the centre. This adds more work because more tiles must be cut at an angle to achieve the slope on all sides. Due to this, centre drains are more complex and labour intensive, requiring more cutting, wastage and time calculating angles for installation.
In terms of installation time, linear drains generally take less than half the time to install compared to traditional drains and require minimal tile cutting. They only require a single fall in the floor and need less build-up on the floor. In addition, they provide more options on how to arrange plumbing and waterproofing.
Lauxes grates are lightweight and easy to handle, ensuring quick and efficient installation. All grates are customisable on-site saving time and money, and preventing project delays. Lauxes grates are available in longer lengths (up to 5.6m), making them ideal for larger jobs unlike stainless steel grates that come in shorter lengths and have to be joined to produce a longer one. These qualities make these grates ideal for every project, from small residential builds to large volume industrial developments.
Fast delivery and comprehensive support
Understanding the current challenges faced by plumbing and drainage professionals, the skilled team of industry professionals at Lauxes Grates are happy to answer any questions or provide options for any type of application/install. Products are readily available via our extensive distributor network across Australia and New Zealand, with over 2,000 distributors across the region.

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