New sales team at Instant Access Sales
Under the direction of Tom Raptis, Business Development Manager at Instant Access, a newly formed sales team has been developed, and within a few short months they have made some significant achievements.Instant Access Sales have been an innovator in the access business for over 40 years, but this year has been a success.
Under the direction of Tom Raptis, Business Development Manager at Instant Access, a newly formed sales team has been developed, and within a few short months they have made some significant achievements.
“I wanted a sales team that is the best in the industry and the people I have brought on board, and the experience and expertise they have, has made this team a success almost instantly,” says Tom Raptis, Business Development Manager at Instant Access.
Instant Access Sales have won the rights to be the exclusive distributor for UpRight Powered Access in Australia.
“How could UpRight possibly refuse our offer?” says Rob Cavaleri, Senior Sales Representative for EWPs.
”We have the knowledge, we have the know-how, and with our newly expanded Parts and Service Division; it was the only logical choice for UpRight Powered Access to be a force in Australia”
Instant Access have a proven sales record to all types of businesses, from the end user to major rental companies.
They now have a large group of dedicated sales representatives in New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland and New Zealand, in addition to a core of dedicated internal sales staff that can answer any access needs.
The Instant Access Sales Division is now placed to become the leading supplier of comprehensive access solutions in Australia.

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