Projects undertaken by A C Goulding Kemlec Services
A C Goulding Kemlec Services provides services and products related to air condtitioning equipment.A C Goulding Kemlec Services provides services and products related to air condtitioning equipment. A C Goulding Kemlec Services mainly offers its services in Victoria, Major contractors in Victoria have benefited through the designs and innovations from A C Goulding Kemlec Services.
Some of the projects undertaken by A C Goulding Kemlec Services include Australand’s Scaland Apartments, PDG Corp’s Franklin Lofts, Vision Head Office situated in Blackburn Road. A C Goulding Kemlec Services provided the complete air conditioning for all the hundred and six apartments of Scala Apartments. The apartments have ducted four pipe for chilled water and heating water as well. These systems are further monitored by the energy and metering systems from A C Goulding Kemlec Services.
PDG Corps Franklin Lifts is a retail, residential building with car park. This building comprises of thirty eight floors. A C Goulding Kemlec Services has dealt with the air conditioning by providing DX split units.
Vision Head Office situated in Blackburn Road is also one of the projects undertaken by A C Goulding Kemlec Services. The full building automation system has been done by A C Goulding Kemlec Services including lighting control systems.

A C Goulding Kemlec Services
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