RBA specified for washrooms and Changing Places facility at Gunyama Park Recreation Centre
RBA supplied a number of fixtures for the standard and accessible washroom as well as their accredited Changing Places facility.Did you know that RBA Group helped supply one of Sydney’s most stylish recreation centres? Gunyama Park Sporting & Aquatic is a world-class facility designed by Grimshaw Architects and Andrew Burges Architects. Situated in the heart of Sydney, the facility features four pools, a complete fitness centre and an indoor ‘mega-drencher’ for the kids.
RBA supplied a number of fixtures for the standard and accessible washroom as well as their accredited Changing Places facility. These include:
- B2013 – Bobrick Automatic Soap Foam Soap and Sanitiser Dispenser
- B2721 – Bobrick Interleaved Toilet Tissue Dispenser
- B4262 – Bobrick Contura Paper Towel Dispenser
- B823 – Bobrick Basin Mounted Foam Soap Dispenser
- KB110-SSRE – Koala Kare Baby Change Table | Stainless Steel, Recessed (superseded by the KB310-SSRE)
- RBA4007-123 – Drop Down Grab Rail with Toilet Roll Holder
For those who haven’t come across them yet, Changing Places facilities are for individuals that have needs above and beyond what’s catered for in a traditional accessible bathroom. These facilities typically include:
- An accessible height toilet pan (like the RBA5600-001-800)
- A height adjustable adult change table (like the KB3000-AHL)
- Drop down grab rails (like the RBA4007-123) that can fold up and out of the way of carers
- A ceiling hoist and tracking system
For our full range of Changing Places-suitable items, please visit our website.

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