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Fytogreen sustainable vertical garden

Modern versatile greening solutions for every project

As green walls have been transforming cities and suburbs across the country, both industry experts and clients have been appreciating the undeniable benefits of incorporating plants in the built environment.
Architecture & Design Team
Architecture & Design Team

02 Sep 2019 4m read View Author

In the last few years, on par with the globally increasing importance of sustainability, incorporating living plants in built environments has been growing in popularity in Australia. As green walls have been transforming cities and suburbs across the country, both industry experts and clients have been appreciating the undeniable benefits of incorporating plants in the built environment.

Apart from the visual appeal and health benefits of being surrounded by growing plants for humans, incorporating vegetation in parts of buildings has tremendous benefits for the environment. It is an excellent way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve the quality of air, aid energy conservation and reduce urban heat island effect which contributes to higher temperatures in urban areas compared to the more rural surroundings. Vertical green walls also contribute to the creation of new habitats for biodiversity. On top of that, it’s been demonstrated that incorporating more green infrastructure in the built environment contributes positively to lifting property values - in some instances up to 15%.

A fantastic example of a building that brings all of the above benefits together is Medibank Place in Melbourne Docklands which incorporates thousands of plants across its facade and the interiors.

Whilst it might be known to many for its frequent appearances as a backdrop to Channel 9’s news presentations, Medibank headquarters also features what is possibly the largest facade greening project in Southern Hemisphere when it was finished in 2014. The design for the building was driven by an aspiration to create one of the healthiest workplaces in the world, in November 2015 Medibank Place was awarded the Sustainability award at the IDEA awards, truly celebrating the positive impact of incorporating living plants in built environments on the environment.

With the growing popularity of integrating plants in parts of buildings and Melbourne’s $19.1 million plan to boost urban forests and vertical greening, the focus on ecological sustainability, comprehensive expertise and ability to service a wide variety of projects has become paramount for Australian specialists. Fytogreen, who have proudly been at the helm of Australia’s sustainable vertical greening industry for over 17 years and have provided many successful firsts for greening, are an unquestionable leader in this area.

Sustainable greening solutions for any project

Fytogreen’s unique offering covers an exceptionally diverse range of products and greening solutions for the built environment that will suit any architectural requirements. From lush green facades through to unique green walls, they offer a wide range of products and services architects and designers can choose from, such as:

  • FytoWall - panel vertical garden system
  • FytoFelt - pocket vertical garden system
  • FC_FytoFelt - fire compliant pocket vertical garden system
  • FytoArbour - ultralight weight suspended beam garden system
  • Curved Fytowalls - panel vertical garden system also available to suit columns and pillars
  • FytoCylinders - suspended stalactite vertical garden cylinders
  • Green Facades - cost effective vertical greening using climbers and creeper plants
  • Preserved Foliage - maintenance free preserved greening solution for indoors.

What’s more, with extraordinary experience from over 600,000 square metres worth of roof gardens installations and supplies Fytogreen have provided across in commercial and residential projects, they have the industry know-how to expertly create brand new and bespoke solutions for specific projects as required.

Comprehensive expertise throughout

Another characteristic differentiating Fytogreen from their competitors is the fact that whilst many companies in the industry focus on a single key product or area of expertise, this industry leader and innovator in horticultural technologies provides a competent and comprehensive expertise throughout the entirety of the project.

From valuable advice and guidance in the planning stages through collaborative work with builders and architects in the creation of unique designs and sustainable solutions for greening, to state of the art execution and finish, they offer a comprehensive set of services to suit the individual requirements of any project.

Specialist 'elevated’ horticultural maintenance

Fytogreen’s comprehensive expertise also spans specialist ‘elevated’ horticultural maintenance. This department is responsible for the maintenance of vegetation, as well as the monitoring of irrigation and fertigation of vertical greening projects in order to ensure careful curation of nutrient balancing and water quality.

This unique Fytogreen technology is far superior to general garden or indoor plant maintenance and to provide the highest quality of outputs, Fytogreen always recommend that their unique gardening solutions are maintained by an expert specialising in the elevated horticulture care.

Those distinctive qualities make Fytogreen a leader in the Australian market and an excellent choice for any clients, architects and designers looking for a modern approach anchored in horticultural research. Have a look at their diverse range of greening solutions to the built environment to see how they can elevate the quality of your next greening project.

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