Zinc roof look achieved with Cosmofin PVC standing seams
Cosmofin LLV membranes and standing seam profiles are being used to add a modern architectural zinc finish look to roofs.Cosmofin LLV membranes and standing seam profiles are being used to add a modern architectural look to roofs. The PVC standing seam profiles are hot air welded onto the completed Cosmofin membrane and installed to the width, direction and pattern required to create the roof.
The fully customisable solution, which combines the waterproofing membrane and the standing seams, is UV stable and can be left exposed. The final design outcome replicates the appearance of a zinc roof.
Being flexible, the Cosmofin membrane and standing seams can handle the movement of any structure. The flexibility of the seams allows them to be installed on curved/ domed roofs replicating the popular zinc roof appearance.
In the photo above, SSP Waterproofing, an experienced and accredited waterproofing contractor has used the Cosmofin LLV membrane in combination with the standing seams on a rooftop in Clovelly. The client sought the aesthetic finish of a standard zinc roof but at a lower cost. To meet the brief, SSP selected Cosmofin LLV membrane and PVC standing seams as a cost-effective alternative to the typical zinc roof.
Get in touch with Projex Group for information about installation and samples.

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