arcoPlus IR modular panels help create sustainable building for Lamborghini
Lamborghini’s new multi-level factory is certified to Class A, according to the 2010/31/EU directive of the European Parliament and the European Council.The new Lamborghini industrial building was inaugurated earlier this year in the presence of Italian Minister of Environment and Territory, Corrado Clini.
Lamborghini’s new multi-level factory is certified to Class A, according to the 2010/31/EU directive of the European Parliament and the European Council – the first multi-storey Italian industrial building to achieve this energy efficiency certification.
In the heart of the land recently struck by a heavy-impact earthquake, one of the most important Italian industries, well-known worldwide for its fast and fashionable cars, sets high goals for efficiency and sustainability, realising a high-performance building that can deliver an annual energy consumption of less than 8kWh/m².
The arcoPlus IR range of multi-wall polycarbonate sheets was installed in this sustainable building.

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