Going Green with Big Ass Fans
Together with the team from Big Ass Fans, join us and Architecture & Design editor Branko Miletic, as we reconnect over an afternoon of networking, nibbles, flowing drinks and an exploration on new trends post covid-19 and how design is fundamentally shifting towards sustainability.Together with the team from Big Ass Fans, join us and Architecture & Design editor Branko Miletic, as we reconnect over an afternoon of networking, nibbles, flowing drinks and an exploration on new trends post covid-19 and how design is fundamentally shifting towards sustainability.
In a way, these last few years with covid-19 and our collective experience of staying inside for months on end has altered the course of architectural design and directed it towards somewhat unknown waters. Traditional architectural concerns now include new habits, new construction dilemmas, new hygiene standards, and even new ideas related to the physical spaces clients are willing to live, work and play.
In thinking about designing for and post the pandemic, we’ve seen a massive shift in the industry towards sustainable design. During the Going Green by Big Ass Fans event, we’ll be hearing from industry influencers on the way our peers have approached this shift in their own commercial and residential projects. Take the 6 Feet Office design or spaced bedrooms for better acoustic buffering as workspaces.
Together, let’s celebrate the resilience of our industry and see what's next for 2022 against a spectacular backdrop of the city skyline.
In partnership with Youngcare Australia, if you purchase a bottle of our Big Ass Fans Breezy Bees honey you will go into the draw to win a Haiku I ceiling fan with installation valued at $1,500.
All proceeds will be donated to Youngcare and with every purchase of honey, you are giving a young person with high physical support needs freedom to feel at home – and to live equally – in their community.
Entry, food + drinks are free but registration is a must! RSVP via the link - https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/going-green-with-big-ass-fans-sydney-registration-260692527367

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