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WOOD You Like To Know 2 Online Summit

WOOD You Like To Know 2 Online Summit

Due to popular demand we have extended the sale of our $99 ticket for our WOOD You Like To Know 2 Event. Join us as we unite industry experts, professionals, and enthusiasts for an event of insightful discussions and exploration. Don't miss this final opportunity to learn and earn 15 CPD formal points.
Architecture & Design Team
Architecture & Design Team

08 May 2024 2m read View Author

Don't Miss Out

Ticket Sales Extended for 1 Week!

Earn Up to 15 CPDPoints

Due to popular demand we haveextended the sale of our $99 ticket forour WOOD You Like To Know 2 Event.Join us as we unite industry experts,professionals, and enthusiasts for anevent of insightful discussions andexploration. Don't miss this finalopportunity to learn and earn 15 CPDformal points. All panel discussions andCPD presentations are available ondemand to watch until the 30th June2024.

Watch: Highlights Video

Our live event yesterday was a full day of exciting moments, check out the highlights of the day in thevideo below. To watch on demand recordings of the day and earn up to 15 CPD points purchase our$99 ticket before the end of next week.



Panel Discussions:
Immerse yourself in 5 thought-provokingpanel discussions featuring industryexperts and influencers. Gain valuableknowledge, perspectives, and strategiesthat will elevate your understanding andexpertise in the building industry. Gain 5Formal CPD points.

CPD Presentations:
Earn up to 10 Formal CPD points whileexploring the latest trends and innovations inthe building industry. Our 10 formal CPDpresentations will provide you with actionableinsights and practical tips to enhance yourprofessional development.

Virtual Expo Booths:
Experience a dynamic virtual expo hall,where you can connect with exhibitors,explore new products and services, andforge valuable professional connections.


Earn Up To 15 CPD Points!

This online event offers a unique opportunity to earn up to 15 formal CPD points, through acombination of 5 panel discussions and 10 CPD presentations - even more then our last WYLTK event.Our thought-provoking panel discussions, and exclusive CPD sessions led by industry experts willprovide you with valuable insights, ensuring you stay up to date with the latest trends andadvancements in timber design.

Virtual Venue

Step into our dynamic virtual expo and embark on an immersive journey like never before! Experiencethe future of the building industry from the comfort of your own space. Watch our exciting andinformative panel discussions, explore virtual booths and earn CPD points in a convenient way to suityour schedule.

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