Sustainability eBook 2024: Autex Acoustics
In 2024, Autex Acoustics sponsored the Best of the Best category, recognising winners for sustainable outcomes, aesthetics, or innovative design. Download this eBook to explore the category shortlist, Autex Acoustic’s sustainability journey, their vision for a circular future, and insights from Creative Director Jonathan Mountfort.
Sustainability is reshaping building design, with architects prioritising energy efficiency, renewable systems, and water conservation. Thoughtful orientation, material choices, and green technologies reduce environmental impact, transforming structures into resilient, eco-friendly solutions that harmonise with the environment and support a sustainable future.
In 2024, Autex Acoustics was the proud sponsor of the Sustainability Awards 'Best of the Best' category. Selected from among all the category winners based on both sustainable outcomes and aesthetics and/or innovative design principles.
Download this eBook to see this category’s shortlist and Autex Acoustic’s sustainability journey, their vision for a circular future, and a Q&A with Creative Director Jonathan Mountfor.
Sustainability eBook 2024: Autex Acoustics
Download this eBook to see this category’s shortlist and Autex Acoustic’s sustainability journey, their vision for a circular future, and a Q&A with Creative Director Jonathan Mountfor.
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