Sustainability eBook 2024: SAS International
In 2024, SAS International was the proud sponsor of the Sustainability Awards 'International Design' category. This category includes the best environmentally responsible designed projects from around the world, recognises the design and environmental qualities of a building that is located outside of Australia, while also pursuing a design that is sympathetic to its local surrounding to give it a new purpose.
Building design is a linchpin in the pursuit of sustainability. Through thoughtful consideration of orientation, materials, energy systems, and water management, architects and engineers hold the power to create structures that harmonise with the environment rather than deplete it. By prioritising sustainability in design, we pave the way for a more ecologically balanced and resilient future.
In 2024, SAS International was the proud sponsor of the Sustainability Awards 'International Design' category. This category includes the best environmentally responsible designed projects from around the world, recognises the design and environmental qualities of a building that is located outside of Australia, while also pursuing a design that is sympathetic to its local surrounding in order to give it a new purpose.
Download this eBook to read about the shortlisted projects as well as a Q&A with SAS International’s General Manager, Craig Penton and Brisbane’s iconic carbon-neutral premium office building of One One One Eagle Street.
Sustainability eBook 2024: SAS International
Download this eBook to read about the shortlisted projects as well as a Q&A with SAS International’s General Manager, Craig Penton.- Popular Articles