The award for the up and coming
Every architect starts somewhere. It might be a small-time gig, cutting their teeth in a practice and climbing the ladder. While this is the typical path of ascension, there are some industry personnel that rip the hinges off the door and make an impact that deserves recognition.Every architect and designer starts somewhere at some point. It might be a small-time gig, a foot in the door of sorts, cutting their teeth in a practice and climbing the ladder in the years that follow. While this is the typical path of ascension, there are some industry personnel that rip the hinges off the door and make an impact in a short space of time that deserves recognition.
The 2021 Sustainability Awards provides the recognition these architects and designers deserve, with the Emerging Sustainable Architect / Designer award. Open to architects and designers in the first five years of their career, the award recognises outstanding achievement or development in the field of sustainable and/or environmental architecture planning or design across any of the building categories.
Putting the onus back on the designers themselves, the award is people-focused, and allows for the achievements of individuals to be celebrated separate to the project they may have worked on during the year. While many projects are created by teams, the Emerging Sustainable Architect / Designer award – as well as the other awards in the People category – ensure the people behind the projects of those who mastermind them are correctly championed.
2020’s Sustainability Awards saw Talina Edwards take out the gong. An emerging leader in sustainable architecture projects, Edwards founded her own practice in regional Victoria and has spearheaded multiple Passive House projects, reducing the ecological footprint of suburban residences and providing innovative housing solutions. Edwards is also an internationally Certified Passive House Designer, which requires rigorous training to deliver the healthiest, highest-performing and lowest-energy buildings in the world.
The young architect is also a leader and organiser of Australian Architects Declare, a member of the ArchiTeam Advocacy committee, is actively involved with the Australian Passive House Association, and is co-curator of the ‘Ballarat Architects’ Regional Practice Forum.
Award sponsors Cosentino, who look to provide high value innovative surfaces for the world of design and architecture, share similar qualities to award winners within the ‘Emerging’ category. Aiming to be a leader in its field across all aspects of business, the brand is always looking to craft premium surfaces that are sustainably sound. As a result, Cosentino is a conscious, thoughtful company that caters for both the needs of clients and the environment, reflecting the values of many architects and designers eligible for the Emerging Sustainable Architect / Designer award.
The 2021 edition of Architecture and Design’s Sustainability Awards shapes up to be one of the utmost quality and competition. To register your project, head to sustainablebuildingawards.com.au.
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